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Diabetes Reversal Programme Feedback

Through the information provided, I have started losing weight, controlled sugar level and increased physical activity which has enabled me to be healthy and more active

I have learned a lot because at first, I didn’t even know the right foods to eat and drink or foods labels but now I know how to measure and eat right.

This course has taken me to another level. During the training, I have learned a lot on how to watch over my body weight and to live healthily.

My short term goals were to see the effectiveness of losing weight which I have since lost 3 kgs in the last 6 weeks.

I have come to understand what type 2 diabetes is all about and what I can do to reverse it.

Infarct this program has brought me somewhere. I will continue to maintain my sugar at 4-7.

I know what is diabetes and its effect when not controlled

Yes: It’s quite useful, it’s relevant and very practical. The results are quite evident.

The training made me improve my self-esteem. So I would like more people to go through it

I would really recommend all diabetic patients to get this knowledge at the very least.

I have already enlisted my colleagues to do this course in order to assist themselves.

If this good news of diabetes reversal reaches many people, this will help our country.

Very much yes: The basic tool in dealing with diabetes is in tackling ignorance which is the main problem with patients.

Yes: It’s quite useful, it’s relevant and very practical. The results are quite evident.

The training made me improve my self-esteem. So I would like more people to go through it

I would really recommend all diabetic patients to get this knowledge at the very least.

I have already enlisted my colleagues to do this course in order to assist themselves.

If this good news of diabetes reversal reaches many people, this will help our country.

Very much yes: The basic tool in dealing with diabetes is in tackling ignorance which is the main problem with patients.

This course is the BEST program I have ever attended. The facilitators are friendly and break down complex concepts and make them easy to understand. I now STRONGLY BELIEVE that it’s possible to REVERSE DIABETES. It can be done; the support mechanism was SUPERB! Kudos.

If the program can be expanded further because this is a noble course.

This course should continue to reach out to all diabetic people.

Thank you for the knowledge acquired and time.

This course should go on and on for other people in rural areas and hospital and to doctors if possible.

By nutrition, physical activity, and mind I can be diabetes-free.

Extend this course to all county hospitals.

Am very much impressed by this programme.


My blood glucose was very high but through the course, I have managed to get it back to normal.

Through this course, I have understood the steps that I need to take to be free of the stress of diabetes complications.

I have known that carbohydrates are not needed in the body and reducing this and increasing activity is useful.

Yes: kila kitu iko sawa kulingana na masomo niliyopata.

Through dieting by taking low carbs, I will be able to reverse diabetes.

The information shared is quite relevant, easy to follow, and am now well equipped to manage my situation.

I have met my main aim to know what diabetes is and how it works in my body every time I take carbohydrates

I have learned how to reverse diabetes in the simple ways.

The main aim of attending this course basically to reverse my type 2 diabetes and with the trend that I started and going I can see that within few years’ diabetes to me will be history and my aim is remarkable.