Diabetes Reversal Programme Success Stories

Reduced insulin usage and lost weight
I couldn’t comprehend what Dr. Katambo meant if he was not removing oxygen from the body or the death penalty for stopping the drugs, but I now confess that it is possible to stay a healthy life without glucometer drugs. Mostly my readings are usually 4.1 to 5.8. Thumbs up to our doctor for your support in making it happen!

Reduced insulin usage and lost weight
In 22yrs with 732 insulin injections of 21,120 units, plus732 glucomet 850mg tablets annually…my God! This is miraculous.. that today I survives with only 10 units and one tablet daily, much thanks to Dr Katambo.at first I found it a big joke, having tried every step to at least tame my rising sugars and my huge weight.today am off 14kgs.God bless you Daktari, and make you reach even far in helping other needful diabetic patients.

Diabetes Reversal Programme Success Stories
I hope we are all well. Today is the day I will not forget in my life… Daktari. advised me to STOP my Glucophage drugs. I was wondering if really Dr was NOT taking me to my grave ONLY to realize that he was making me change my lifestyle and push aside the drugs. Thank you so so much Doctor Daniel Katambo indeed you have reversed my Diabetes. Imagine my sugar has never gone beyond 8.4 at any given time for a whole one year.. it ranges between 4.8 to 7.6 Without drugs. My BMI is almost hitting the target, my weight has reduced by 15 kgs I feel so healthy than what I thought I was before. The diabetes reversal program is real Thank you so much Daktari I’m a living testimony..
God bless you