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Social Support in Diabetes Care

Social Support in Diabetes Care

Type 2 diabetes, can be reversed by changing lifestyle that leads to the development of diabetes. Management of diabetes is dependent on individual patient self-care as everything the individual does affects their blood sugar levels.

For this reason, it is important that an individual is made aware of how to best manage their diabetes type through self-education. Additionally, a diabetes diagnosis greatly affects the individual’s quality of life and they require all the support they can get.

The support (Forum) can be financial, due to the economic burden the individual now faces; emotional, due to the physiological effects of the disease e.g. anxiety and depression; and physical support- by way of assisting them with dietary compliance, proper drug administration, and adherence to an overall wellness regimen.

How can you provide support to a diabetic patient?

Some ways you can provide support to a diabetic patient include;

1.       Accountability

Drastic lifestyle changes are easier where there are support and encouragement.

For this reason, where weight loss is a targeted priority, individuals can be encouraged to increase physical activity or join fitness classes where there is a union in purpose towards losing the weight or keeping a commitment to showing up for the fitness activities e.g swimming or aerobics classes.

Any lifestyle change requires discipline and a pledge to show up for these activities. Accountability helps develop and maintain discipline. Making a drastic lifestyle change is a difficult task to undertake alone but it is made easier and life-affirming with another individual’s support.

2.       Internet chat-rooms/fora

Access to quality information regarding diabetes care, and management is widely accessible on the internet through websites and online forums (Join our online forums) where individuals can exchange ideas.

3.       Education

Education on diabetes often touches on lifestyle change, learning how to monitor blood glucose levels, learning how to properly self-administer insulin shots (and injection sites), dietary information, physical exercise, and home management of the disease. This can be accessed in our Diabetes Reversal Program. Join the Diabetes Reversal Program.