Kitabu Cha Sukari

Kenya’s first comprehensive, photographic guide
to weight loss, pre-diabetes and
diabetes managements.
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Kitabu Cha Sukari

Kenya’s first comprehensive, photographic guide
to weight loss, pre-diabetes and
diabetes managements.
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We Are Here For Everyone
Affected By Diabetes

We Are Here For Everyone
Affected By Diabetes

Afyacode seeks to empower the general population and people
living with NCDs with information regarding the importance of early
screening and management of these conditions
Afyacode seeks to empower the general population
and people living with NCDs with information regarding
the importance of early screening and management..
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Afyacode Diabetes
Reversal Program

Afyacode Diabetes Reversal Programme

Our Diabetes Reversal program is based on low carbohydrates.
It’s mainly targeting people living with overweight, pre-diabetes,
and type 2 diabetes.
Our Diabetes Reversal program is based on low
carbohydrates. It’s mainly targeting people living with
overweight, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes.
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We Train Health Professionals
in Diabetes Management

We Train Health Professionals
in Diabetes Management

Type 2 Diabetes Remission Course for Healthcare Professionals is
a course developed by Afyacode in Association with Cavan Health.
Type 2 Diabetes Remission Course for
Healthcare Professionals is
course developed by Afyacode in Association
with Cavan Health.
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Diabetes Reversal Programme

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Diabetes Management Course

Learn more about our diabetes management course

There are four known evidence-based medical ways to put type 2 diabetes into remission/reversal. At Afyacode we focus on a low-carb diet which is the most recommended worldwide.

Low-carb diet

A low-carb diet is a diet containing fewer carbohydrates but a higher percentage of healthy fats and protein.

Ketogenic diet

A diet that entails taking foods with high-fat content and rich in proteins while reducing intake of carbohydrates.

Intermittent fasting

This is actually not a diet per se but an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

Low-calorie diet

A diet that entails taking between 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, the very low-calorie diet having at least...


Diabetes Reversal Programme

The diabetes Reversal programme is a diabetes reversal intervention based on low carbohydrates. Its main target population are people living with overweight, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes.  Its benefits include;


What We Do To Keep You Healthy


Type 2 Diabetes Remission Course for Healthcare Professionals

This course is designed for all cadres of healthcare professionals and caregivers of people living with type 2 diabetes. It offers BASIC principles of type 2 diabetes remission through dietary interventions and lifestyle change. The course is based on the latest scientific evidence from research on low carb management of type 2 diabetes.  Within a 6-hour duration, you will be equipped with basic principles and personalized guidance aimed at helping patients achieve their health goals in type 2 diabetes remission and weight management. This training is tailored to be very flexible and very interactive.


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Diabetes Prevention

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FAQs on Low-carb Diet

It’s okay to take eggs, like scrambled eggs with vegetables, mushrooms.  Lots of vegetables, Sukuma wiki, cabbage, spinach etc. It’s also okay to have a heavy breakfast with proteins (meat), healthy Fats, and lots of vegetables.

ALL SUGAR-SWEETENED BEVERAGES INCLUDING FRUIT JUICE SHOULD BE AVOIDED COMPLETELY. Instead of sweet drinks, challenge yourself to drink plain water, sparkling water or water infused with lemon or lime slices.

White refined carbohydrates such as bread, Ugali, Chapati, Matoke, Mukimo, rice, pasta, and potatoes should be reduced or avoided where possible. Wholegrain options may be included in limited portions including, nduma, sweet potatoes, etc.

Milk and dairy products are another good sources of protein, and there is no need to switch to soy or dairy-free milks unless you are lactose intolerant. Full fat plain Greek yogurts make an excellent high protein choice for breakfast or to replace dessert. Try plain Greek yogurt with half cup berries and chopped walnuts or almonds for a filling breakfast or light meal. Cheese can also be used in moderation as it is high in calories.

All fruits contain fructose, and some fruits have less of an effect on blood glucose levels than others. Best choices include small apples or pears, and all berries, for example blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.

The emphasis here is MORE is better! All green leafy vegetables and salad vegetables are good choices. Include a minimum of two cups of vegetables with meals but more can be incorporated to replace starches on your plate. Try fresh or cooked Sukuma wiki, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, managu, terere, mrenda, okra (Bamia) and cabbage, green beans in place of large portions of pasta, potato or rice. Accessorize your meats and add flavour, taste and texture with tomato, mushrooms, peppers and onions. These all have very little carbohydrate and are good sources of plant fibre.

Fats, Proteins and Vegetables provide excellent sources energy without increasing the level of Insulin in your body.

For vegetarians, beans and lentils are a good source of protein. Some, such as chick peas, are high in carbohydrate. Better options are red beans, kidney beans, black beans. Prepare your food to taste.

Desserts are usually high in sugar and can increase cravings for more sweet foods. If you have a sweet tooth the recommended approach is to avoid having desserts, cakes, and biscuits at home. Combine berries or nuts with plain Greek yogurt or double cream.




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Diabetes Causes Symptoms & Treatment

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